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St Louis Bankruptcy: What Are The Benefits Of Filing For Bankruptcy?


There are many benefits to filing for bankruptcy in St Louis. Some of which are fairly obvious, but there are a number of benefits that are a bit subtle. Below is a list of some of those benefits:

  1. When you file a St Louis Chapter 7, all of your unsecured debt is knocked out (things like credit cards, medical bills, and payday loans are all discharged)
  2. Once you file, your creditors can no longer contact you, demand money from you, or harass you in any fashion (and if they do, it is a violation of your rights that can be remedied)
  3. If you are facing a foreclosure on your home, a St Louis Chapter 13 can be filed to stop those proceedings (and get you into a repayment plan to spread the arrearage out over a period of years)
  4. If your car has been repossessed, a bankruptcy filing will allow you to get the vehicle back (while we look into whether or not the creditor violated your rights by repo’ing the car in the first place)
  5. If you owe tax debt, back child support, or a great deal in student loans, you can’t necessarily get those debts discharged, but a St Louis bankruptcy will still handle them nonetheless
  6. Filing a bankruptcy will stop all creditor activity, such as wage garnishments, bank levies, lien attachments, and harassing phone calls
  7. If it is a Chapter 13 that you file, you can pay off your car at a much lower interest rate than you are probably paying now
  8. If a creditor has attached a lien against your property (like a piece of real estate), then it is possible to have that lien stripped off
  9. If you have collection agencies coming after you, those agencies may be violating your federal consumer rights (and there are remedies for that as well)

So as you can see, there are a great many benefits that come from filing for bankruptcy. And the best way to learn more is to make an appointment to see an experienced St Louis bankruptcy lawyer. We will answer all of your questions, explain all of your options, and guide you through the process from start to finish!!


The affordable St. Louis bankruptcy attorneys at The Bankruptcy Company have been saving and protecting people’s assets for years. Our goal is to make sure that you keep the assets and property you want, discharge the debts that you want to get rid of, and do it all at an affordable cost to you. All phone conversations and office consultations are free of charge.

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